Enhance brand imagery to deliver on optimum trial experience (OTE) and generate stronger conversion results:
The Right Stuff
To Optimize Sampling Effectiveness
The Right Target Audience
Prioritize "chat leaders" (or influential opinion leaders) and heavy users of your category who are predisposed to receiving your brand's message.
The Right Distribution Partner
Leverage positive energy of respected Distribution Partners (organizations, retailers and complimentary brands) that your target consumers are already involved with.
The Right Social Context
Enhance brand image associations by distributing samples in a Social Context (time, place and atmosphere) where the consumer is experiencing positive emotions.
Optimum Trial Experience "OTE"
OTE is achieved when....
- A targeted consumer receives a Brand sample with an implied endorsement from a respected and meaningful Distribution Partner.
- The sample is distributed in a time, place and atmosphere that creates a positive association with the brand's message.
- The consumer associates favorable feelings with the sampled Brand during trial. This enhances the consumer's impression of the brand and the overall trail experience. The result is positive brand imagery and superior conversion.